Proverbs 5:3
Proverbs 5
For the lips of an adultere(er) drip honey And smoother than oil is her (his) speech;
Proverbs 5:3 NASB

Sisters in Christ, let me speak candidly… have you wondered about an old boyfriend? (That’s not a sin, by the way.) Maybe, however, you looked him up on facebook. Maybe you didn’t look him up but you have been fantazing about what your life would have been like if you had stayed with him after that friend told you how successful he has been. Maybe you had a dream about him and are now continually wondering, “Why would I dream about him?! I am happy in my life. No, seriously, why would I dream about him?!” No matter the scenario, when we passively do not take the thoughts of past romantic relationships captive, we are actively choosing to damage our marriage. God has a plan and a purpose, and He wants you to focus on the relationship He has before you now. Only you can choose to stay on track and know that God will get you through this (possibly dark or dry) period in your marriage as He refines and molds you.
For those of you thinking, “You have no idea what I have gone through”… If your past hurts or current struggles are negatively affecting you, please find a safe person–a confidante, a pastor, a counselor, a psychologist or other–who can help you wisely navigate those impacts of the past so that they do not destroy what is happening today. Make sure you choose someone who is properly equipped to handle your unique situation as well as someone who values God’s Word so that she can help you focus on the truth of His promises and guide you on the path He has laid before you.
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