Proverbs 12:16
Proverbs 12
The vexation (displeasure) of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.
Proverbs 12:16 ESV
How often has someone said, “Everyone knows exactly what I am thinking or feeling because it shows on my face.” Schooling my facial responses and learning self-control have not been easy for me. My sister can sit and listen to someone insult her and call her the most horrendous things (she is a nurse practitioner), and if you watched her face, you wouldn’t even know she had heard them. Likewise, as her sister, I don’t often know what she is thinking or feeling concerning what we are talking about until she shares it with me. I admire that type of self-control. I have struggled since I first threw a pencil at her when I was five to figure out this self-control thing. When we know our limitations and those areas in which God needs to grow us, we can pray for an example, a mentor if needed, so that we have someone to look up to and emulate. As God builds us and grows us, we can know that even in our weaknesses and mistakes, He loves us just as we are, AND He loves us so much that He doesn’t want to leave us in our foolishness.
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