Proverbs 14:30
Proverbs 14
A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.
Proverbs 14:30 ESV
Our first thoughts may go to envying the bigger house or nicer car down the street, but think for a minute about the envy inside our homes. Do you envy your husband sleeping in on his days off when you rarely get to sleep in due to the kiddos or pets? Do you envy the down time your children enjoy while your body and your mind are constantly having to organize, prioritize, or plan? We can never be joyful wives and mothers if we envy each time our husbands are able to leave the noise and chaos behind to go to work for 8, 10, or 12 hours. As we embrace the role of wife, mother, and woman, we need to remember to find those things for which we are grateful, knowing that God will provide our needs.
Once when I was extremely hurt by an interaction with my husband who had just returned from an international mission trip, a friend kindly and firmly advised that I get off the phone with her and minister to my husband, including just staying close and touching his hand. I was appalled, but she lovingly said goodbye and hung up on me. While there were many underlying issues that had to be explored and dealt with, one of them was envy. I was jealous that he had had an amazing, life-changing, mountaintop experience while I had remained behind, dealing with an out-of-state medical emergency for a family member, a minor accident with my van, and a mounting neurological need for one of our sons that had me on the phone with the pediatrician multiple times. On top of all that, when the mission team had not been ministering to the people of Peru, they had had the opportunity to travel and sightsee, something I absolutely love to do. I was jealous. And, now, I am extremely thankful for the friend who was willing to make me angry to tell me the truth.
Ladies, on this Valentine’s Day, may we lavish love upon those in our lives and remember to experience our blessings with tranquil hearts.
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