Bible Study 2017
Bible Study 2017
For several years, I have enjoyed reading through the Bible in a variety of ways. I have always heard a great way to get in depth with a study is to read through the same book of the Bible every day for a month. I have been praying about that opportunity, and I challenge you to join me.
- 12 books for 12 months
- Reading the same book daily for the entire month, switching translations weekly
Books for 2017
- Ephesians
- 1 John
- 1 Peter
- Ruth
- Philippians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- Jonah
- Galatians
- James
- Colossians
- Malachi
Study Method
As you read through, think about different areas to focus on or questions you may have. The first time reading through try simply to hear God speak. One of the hardest things about Bible study is giving up your presuppositions and really trying to listen to God. If you read looking for specific things, you could end up putting things in places they should not be.
So, some rules
- Context
- Let the context provide meaning to the words
- Let the Bible interpret the Bible
- Let other passages provide answers
- Search for Truth, not unique interpretations
- God reveals Himself in Scripture and that is our goal – to find Him
- Interpret the Scriptures as literal unless there is good evidence for a figurative interpretation
- Many have stumbled down paths when trying to stretch a verse to go beyond being literal. A possible danger when reading the same passage multiple times may be to seek deeper meanings. This is where ‘iron sharpens iron’ and reading with a trusted group can help.
Questions or points to ponder
Here comes the semi-flexible part, after listening to God, what do you hear?
- What did God say?
- 1st impression of the passage
- Theme
- Audience
- Context
- Relationship
- Application for history/today
- Says about God
- Says about self/people
- Says about worship
- What should I be praying about?
- Who would benefit from this?
- How does this verse apply to you?
- How does this verse apply to your family, work, etc?
Action Steps
- Read daily.
- Find a time so you can focus. For some, it may be early morning; for others, it may work better for them in the middle of the day.
- Be in a quiet, comfortable place.
- Pray. Your prayer does not have to be long and elaborate; just ask for focus and clarity.
- Memory verse
- Find a verse within that first week that jumps out at you, is applicable, has meaning, etc.
- Test yourself daily. Build on the verses throughout the year and find someone to keep you accountable.
- Application
- Find something that convicts you to be transformed through the Word and pray about how God would want you to put that Truth in the center of your faith so that your mindset and actions will follow.
- Worship God in spirit and truth. This exercise is not cognitive in nature but meant to build your relationship with God and allows your expression of transformation through worship.
- Share
- Here is where at least one accountability partner is good to have journeying alongside you this study.
- Not only share truths revealed to you about yourself, but also share what God is revealing to you about others.
- Remember: Speak the truth in love.
- Journal prayers and questions
- You will see some amazing blessings as you read through the Scripture and will be able to look back on how God has answered both your prayers and questions.
Here is the pdf Bible Study 2017 for your use.
Resources and further possibilities
What shines? What stuck out to you this time through?
What questions? Did these verses raise any questions as you read?
Jesus? Where do we see Jesus Christ in these verses?
Personal application? Identify and commit to something you sense the Spirit is leading you to do in obedience to this text.
Share? Write down the name of someone who might benefit from hearing what you’ve seen in the Bible.
Why? Why are these verses in the Bible? Summarize this in one sentence.
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