
Monthly Archives: March 2019

Marriage — Our Greatest Asset

     Nancy thought she had it all together. She loved the life she had; she loved her job, went to church, was a good wife, and was ready for the next phase of life. One small problem, she struggled with self-doubts. Now, Fred was devoted to Nancy. She hung the moon in his eyes;… Continue Reading

Marriage — From Surviving to Thriving

And the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.  Mark 10:8 Last week we ended on the hint of thriving in marriage. What does that look like and how does a marriage truly thrive? Our society often turns to Google for answers, and there is a plethora of answers… Continue Reading

Marriage – Where is God in this?

“Each one of you is to love his wife as himself, and the wife is to respect her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33)      George and Betty have been married 28 years and have had a roller coaster marriage. Even though they did not get married under the best of circumstances, they felt compelled to stay… Continue Reading

Marriage – Intentional Intimacy

     The following are true stories… both are stories of love and hope but also of struggle and pain. (The names have been changed.) The “everything is fine” marriage: Susan and Bob were heavily involved their local church. In fact, he was the pastor. Their lives were on auto-pilot as they raised their family.… Continue Reading

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