Summer Routine

Good morning, Five Minute Families. If your family is like most in America, you are in the middle of summer break. Many of your best laid plans for summer may have already fallen through. So, let’s discuss ways to recapture these summer days while establishing some good habits for the future.

I don’t know about y’all but the summer break time has totally gotten away from me. One of our sons stayed up until 4:15 the other morning! I find myself struggling to get the kids in a routine when I feel I have so much work to do. Summer time is the busiest here at Clear View Retreat, but I don’t want my kids to suffer during a busy season for myself. As a parent, my ministry to my family is my primary ministry.

Structure is a good thing – 1 Corinthians 14:40 tells us that. However, we do not want to become legalistic about our days. I have known many families that believe that getting the whole household up by a certain early morning time is vital to good outcomes. I have also known families that stay up until all hours – not answering the door or phones, or schedule anything at all until after twelve noon, and they are quite productive as well. Our society values the early risers over the night owls, but I don’t think that that is what God is trying to dictate a specific time when he says, “In the morning” about prayer, meeting with others, arising, etc.  I think he is referring more to the idea that we seek him first upon wakening. Otherwise, what about the people who work second or third shifts. Are they sinning because they do not arise at 6 am and pray? Now, if the parents are early risers and you want a family culture of rising early, feel free, but don’t be judgmental if another family chooses otherwise.

So, we are not talking about a schedule here. We are looking at a summer routine, parts of which you may be able to take into fall with you. Luke 4:16 says “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read.”

  1. Work on discipline, no matter what you or the fam’s motivation level is. Motivation versus discipline can be seen here in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Self-discipline isn’t a feeling; it is an action. Even the smallest steps forward will help you gain momentum and get to where you want to go, just like five minutes a day can snowball into a lifestyle change for you, our Five Minute Families.
  2. Break the day into sections. Morning, afternoon, and evening are the simplest three. Remember even Deuteronomy 6:7 while encouraging us to talk about God at any and every moment we can, still breaks the day into parts in its description, “Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” So, breaking the day into parts makes sense for our summer routine, too, but maintaining a purpose and goal is vital as well.
  3. Figure out what is the most important DAILY activity for you and the family … is it devotional time, reading time, or chore time? Focus there. Of course, your one thing may be part of a bigger routine, but as you are getting started this summer, or when a day falls apart, bring your focus and discipline to the MOST important part of the routine instead of kicking yourself for not getting it all done.
  4. Include the kids if possible in making the summer routine. I would love to get into the habit of walking as part of my morning routine, and I want to include one of my boys so that we can have one-on-one time. But, demanding one of my boys come with me or asking the night owl would be setting us up for failure.
  5. Include fun times!!! Don’t become so goal-oriented that you lose sight of the ultimate prize – time with your family as you honor the Lord together. As time allows, pick some odd, random things the family wants to do, and make sure you include them in the overall rest-of-summer plan.

Thank you for joining us this morning, and please join us next week when we begin a three-part series looking at what God is able to do FOR us, what God is able to do IN us, and what God is able to do THROUGH us. Have a great week! Be blessed!

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Summer Routine

Good morning, Five Minute Families. If your family is like most in America, you are in the middle of summer break. Many of your best laid plans for summer may have already fallen through. So, let’s discuss ways to recapture these summer days while establishing some good habits for the future.

I don’t know about y’all but the summer break time has totally gotten away from me. One of our sons stayed up until 4:15 the other morning! I find myself struggling to get the kids in a routine when I feel I have so much work to do. Summer time is the busiest here at Clear View Retreat, but I don’t want my kids to suffer during a busy season for myself. As a parent, my ministry to my family is my primary ministry.

Structure is a good thing – 1 Corinthians 14:40 tells us that. However, we do not want to become legalistic about our days. I have known many families that believe that getting the whole household up by a certain early morning time is vital to good outcomes. I have also known families that stay up until all hours – not answering the door or phones, or schedule anything at all until after twelve noon, and they are quite productive as well. Our society values the early risers over the night owls, but I don’t think that that is what God is trying to dictate a specific time when he says, “In the morning” about prayer, meeting with others, arising, etc.  I think he is referring more to the idea that we seek him first upon wakening. Otherwise, what about the people who work second or third shifts. Are they sinning because they do not arise at 6 am and pray? Now, if the parents are early risers and you want a family culture of rising early, feel free, but don’t be judgmental if another family chooses otherwise.

So, we are not talking about a schedule here. We are looking at a summer routine, parts of which you may be able to take into fall with you. Luke 4:16 says “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read.”

  1. Work on discipline, no matter what you or the fam’s motivation level is. Motivation versus discipline can be seen here in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Self-discipline isn’t a feeling; it is an action. Even the smallest steps forward will help you gain momentum and get to where you want to go, just like five minutes a day can snowball into a lifestyle change for you, our Five Minute Families.
  2. Break the day into sections. Morning, afternoon, and evening are the simplest three. Remember even Deuteronomy 6:7 while encouraging us to talk about God at any and every moment we can, still breaks the day into parts in its description, “Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” So, breaking the day into parts makes sense for our summer routine, too, but maintaining a purpose and goal is vital as well.
  3. Figure out what is the most important DAILY activity for you and the family … is it devotional time, reading time, or chore time? Focus there. Of course, your one thing may be part of a bigger routine, but as you are getting started this summer, or when a day falls apart, bring your focus and discipline to the MOST important part of the routine instead of kicking yourself for not getting it all done.
  4. Include the kids if possible in making the summer routine. I would love to get into the habit of walking as part of my morning routine, and I want to include one of my boys so that we can have one-on-one time. But, demanding one of my boys come with me or asking the night owl would be setting us up for failure.
  5. Include fun times!!! Don’t become so goal-oriented that you lose sight of the ultimate prize – time with your family as you honor the Lord together. As time allows, pick some odd, random things the family wants to do, and make sure you include them in the overall rest-of-summer plan.

Thank you for joining us this morning, and please join us next week when we begin a three-part series looking at what God is able to do FOR us, what God is able to do IN us, and what God is able to do THROUGH us. Have a great week! Be blessed!

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