
God’s Equipping of Parents

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Do you feel qualified to be a parent? What do those around you think of your parenting? Are you equipped to be a good parent? Maybe you are a teen parent, still needing to grow up yourself. Maybe you are a confused young adult who wasn’t sure you even wanted… Continue Reading

What God is Able to Do – Through Us

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Today is the final part of our three-part series looking at what God is able to do FOR us, what God is able to do IN us, and what God is able to do THROUGH us. I remember when the boys were little, and life was all about diapers and… Continue Reading

What God is Able to Do – In Us

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Thanks for joining us this morning for part two of our three-part series looking at what God is able to do FOR us, what God is able to do IN us, and what God is able to do THROUGH us. As 1 Corinthians 12 points out, God gives us spiritual… Continue Reading

What God is Able to Do – For Us

Good morning, Five Minute Families! Today we begin a three-part series looking at what God is able to do FOR us, what God is able to do IN us, and what God is able to do THROUGH us. Do you know what God is able to do FOR you? God calls brothers and sisters, mothers… Continue Reading

Summer Routine

Good morning, Five Minute Families. If your family is like most in America, you are in the middle of summer break. Many of your best laid plans for summer may have already fallen through. So, let’s discuss ways to recapture these summer days while establishing some good habits for the future. I don’t know about… Continue Reading

Psalm 1

Good morning, Five Minute Families. We just wrapped up a marriage retreat at CVR and are looking forward to a family camp coming right around the corner. We love to encourage families to grow closer to Christ, encourage strong biblical marriages, and journey with those who grieve in life losses.  One thing we cannot do… Continue Reading

The Gifts of Marriage – Purpose

Good morning, Five Minute Families. We hope you have enjoyed the Gifts of Marriage series. We had a newly married couple ask for a copy of the transcript of this series recently and want to let you know how you can get your own copy. Head over to our blog at the website or… Continue Reading

The Gifts of Marriage – Passion

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Marriage is ordained by God and recognized by society as a foundational function for relationship development. God gives us good gifts. And, in marriage He gives the couple the gifts of companionship, passion, and purpose, to name but a few. Last week we discussed the elements necessary for good companionship,… Continue Reading

The Gifts of Marriage – Companionship

Good morning, Five Minute Families. “Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today.” While June may not be the most popular month for weddings, it is special to us and many of our family and friends as the month when they entered into that sweet institution of marriage. Why is marriage called an institution? Marriage… Continue Reading

Accountability Questions

Good morning, Five Minute Families. You have heard us mention accountability in past devotionals. The reality is that we will each give an account to God for our actions. Matthew 12:36-37 says, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you… Continue Reading


Good morning, Five Minute Families! We hope you are enjoying your days with your loved ones. Parents, the time is short, though the days may seem long, so always remember to take at least five minutes a day to soak in the joys of each of your children – their individual characteristics, their unique contribution… Continue Reading

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