About pastor/missionary retreats

What is the purpose of the full-time Ministry Leader Getaways?

Daniel 10:19–He said, “O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!”  Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, “May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

Chazak means “to strengthen.”

It is our prayer that all pastors, missionaries, evangelists, preachers, you name it, (and their families!) will be strengthened by the LORD during their time of respite here at CVR. The weights of the world and the pressures of ministry can become overwhelming, and we wish to provide a space in which you can be renewed as only the LORD can renew.

Is there programming during a Ministry Leader Getaway?

We do not have camp sessions or curriculum during a Ministry Leader retreat. Clear View Retreat provides lunch on Wednesday followed by up to five hours of childcare. Please let the volunteer staff know in advance if you plan to utilize the lunch and/or childcare option.

How much does the Ministry Leader Getaway cost?

The retreat costs the full-time pastor/missionary/ministry leader (and family) nothing. That’s right. No cost. CVR opens to full-time pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders to come to be strengthened and refreshed for the work the LORD has called them.

In order to keep this a free option for our pastors and missionaries, we rely upon the generosity of faithful donors and sponsoring church members. The average cost of sponsoring a pastor or missionary family for a stay is $365 (including one lunch and five hours of childcare). Any amount donated to minister to those who minister so much is greatly appreciated.

What should I bring with me?

Your clothes, toiletries, and needed medications. Sunscreen and bug spray, too. If you plan to go to Clear Creek or the Obed River, you need to bring your own swim towels.

Do I need to bring my linens?

All linens are provided. If you plan to go to Clear Creek or the Obed River, you need to bring your own swim towels.

Are meals provided?

One lunch on Wednesday afternoon will be provided. Otherwise, no, meals are not provided during Ministry Leader Getaways.  A kitchenette is available in each family cabin, and full meals can be cooked there.

Do onsite activities cost extra?

No, as onsite activities are added, they are available at no cost as well.

About pastor/missionary retreats

What is the purpose of the full-time Ministry Leader Getaways?

Daniel 10:19–He said, “O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!”  Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, “May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

Chazak means “to strengthen.”

It is our prayer that all pastors, missionaries, evangelists, preachers, you name it, (and their families!) will be strengthened by the LORD during their time of respite here at CVR. The weights of the world and the pressures of ministry can become overwhelming, and we wish to provide a space in which you can be renewed as only the LORD can renew.

Is there programming during a Ministry Leader Getaway?

We do not have camp sessions or curriculum during a Ministry Leader retreat. Clear View Retreat provides lunch on Wednesday followed by up to five hours of childcare. Please let the volunteer staff know in advance if you plan to utilize the lunch and/or childcare option.

How much does the Ministry Leader Getaway cost?

The retreat costs the full-time pastor/missionary/ministry leader (and family) nothing. That’s right. No cost. CVR opens to full-time pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders to come to be strengthened and refreshed for the work the LORD has called them.

In order to keep this a free option for our pastors and missionaries, we rely upon the generosity of faithful donors and sponsoring church members. The average cost of sponsoring a pastor or missionary family for a stay is $365 (including one lunch and five hours of childcare). Any amount donated to minister to those who minister so much is greatly appreciated.

What should I bring with me?

Your clothes, toiletries, and needed medications. Sunscreen and bug spray, too. If you plan to go to Clear Creek or the Obed River, you need to bring your own swim towels.

Do I need to bring my linens?

All linens are provided. If you plan to go to Clear Creek or the Obed River, you need to bring your own swim towels.

Are meals provided?

One lunch on Wednesday afternoon will be provided. Otherwise, no, meals are not provided during Ministry Leader Getaways.  A kitchenette is available in each family cabin, and full meals can be cooked there.

Do onsite activities cost extra?

No, as onsite activities are added, they are available at no cost as well.

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